Compiler Design - Semantic Analysis
We have learnt how a parser constructs parse trees in the syntax analysis phase. The plain parse-tree constructed in that phase is generally of no use for a compiler, as it does not carry any information of how to evaluate the tree. The productions of context-free grammar, which makes the rules of the language, do not accommodate how to interpret them.For example
E → E + TThe above CFG production has no semantic rule associated with it, and it cannot help in making any sense of the production.
Semantics of a language provide meaning to its constructs, like tokens and syntax structure. Semantics help interpret symbols, their types, and their relations with each other. Semantic analysis judges whether the syntax structure constructed in the source program derives any meaning or not.CFG + semantic rules = Syntax Directed DefinitionsFor example:
int a = “value”;should not issue an error in lexical and syntax analysis phase, as it is lexically and structurally correct, but it should generate a semantic error as the type of the assignment differs. These rules are set by the grammar of the language and evaluated in semantic analysis. The following tasks should be performed in semantic analysis:
- Scope resolution
- Type checking
- Array-bound checking
Semantic Errors
We have mentioned some of the semantics errors that the semantic analyzer is expected to recognize:- Type mismatch
- Undeclared variable
- Reserved identifier misuse.
- Multiple declaration of variable in a scope.
- Accessing an out of scope variable.
- Actual and formal parameter mismatch.
Attribute Grammar
Attribute grammar is a special form of context-free grammar where some additional information (attributes) are appended to one or more of its non-terminals in order to provide context-sensitive information. Each attribute has well-defined domain of values, such as integer, float, character, string, and expressions.Attribute grammar is a medium to provide semantics to the context-free grammar and it can help specify the syntax and semantics of a programming language. Attribute grammar (when viewed as a parse-tree) can pass values or information among the nodes of a tree.
E → E + T { E.value = E.value + T.value }The right part of the CFG contains the semantic rules that specify how the grammar should be interpreted. Here, the values of non-terminals E and T are added together and the result is copied to the non-terminal E.
Semantic attributes may be assigned to their values from their domain at the time of parsing and evaluated at the time of assignment or conditions. Based on the way the attributes get their values, they can be broadly divided into two categories : synthesized attributes and inherited attributes.
Synthesized attributes
These attributes get values from the attribute values of their child nodes. To illustrate, assume the following production:S → ABCIf S is taking values from its child nodes (A,B,C), then it is said to be a synthesized attribute, as the values of ABC are synthesized to S.
As in our previous example (E → E + T), the parent node E gets its value from its child node. Synthesized attributes never take values from their parent nodes or any sibling nodes.
Inherited attributes
In contrast to synthesized attributes, inherited attributes can take values from parent and/or siblings. As in the following production,S → ABCA can get values from S, B and C. B can take values from S, A, and C. Likewise, C can take values from S, A, and B.
Expansion : When a non-terminal is expanded to terminals as per a grammatical rule
Reduction : When a terminal is reduced to its corresponding non-terminal according to grammar rules. Syntax trees are parsed top-down and left to right. Whenever reduction occurs, we apply its corresponding semantic rules (actions).
Semantic analysis uses Syntax Directed Translations to perform the above tasks.
Semantic analyzer receives AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) from its previous stage (syntax analysis).
Semantic analyzer attaches attribute information with AST, which are called Attributed AST.
Attributes are two tuple value, <attribute name, attribute value>
For example:
int value = 5; <type, “integer”> <presentvalue, “5”>For every production, we attach a semantic rule.
S-attributed SDT
If an SDT uses only synthesized attributes, it is called as S-attributed SDT. These attributes are evaluated using S-attributed SDTs that have their semantic actions written after the production (right hand side).As depicted above, attributes in S-attributed SDTs are evaluated in bottom-up parsing, as the values of the parent nodes depend upon the values of the child nodes.
L-attributed SDT
This form of SDT uses both synthesized and inherited attributes with restriction of not taking values from right siblings.In L-attributed SDTs, a non-terminal can get values from its parent, child, and sibling nodes. As in the following production
S → ABCS can take values from A, B, and C (synthesized). A can take values from S only. B can take values from S and A. C can get values from S, A, and B. No non-terminal can get values from the sibling to its right.
Attributes in L-attributed SDTs are evaluated by depth-first and left-to-right parsing manner.
We may conclude that if a definition is S-attributed, then it is also L-attributed as L-attributed definition encloses S-attributed definitions.
Compiler Design - Parser
In the previous chapter, we understood the basic concepts involved in parsing. In this chapter, we will learn the various types of parser construction methods available.Parsing can be defined as top-down or bottom-up based on how the parse-tree is constructed.
Top-Down Parsing
We have learnt in the last chapter that the top-down parsing technique parses the input, and starts constructing a parse tree from the root node gradually moving down to the leaf nodes. The types of top-down parsing are depicted below:Recursive Descent Parsing
Recursive descent is a top-down parsing technique that constructs the parse tree from the top and the input is read from left to right. It uses procedures for every terminal and non-terminal entity. This parsing technique recursively parses the input to make a parse tree, which may or may not require back-tracking. But the grammar associated with it (if not left factored) cannot avoid back-tracking. A form of recursive-descent parsing that does not require any back-tracking is known as predictive parsing.This parsing technique is regarded recursive as it uses context-free grammar which is recursive in nature.
Top- down parsers start from the root node (start symbol) and match the input string against the production rules to replace them (if matched). To understand this, take the following example of CFG:S → rXd | rZd X → oa | ea Z → aiFor an input string: read, a top-down parser, will behave like this:
It will start with S from the production rules and will match its yield to the left-most letter of the input, i.e. ‘r’. The very production of S (S → rXd) matches with it. So the top-down parser advances to the next input letter (i.e. ‘e’). The parser tries to expand non-terminal ‘X’ and checks its production from the left (X → oa). It does not match with the next input symbol. So the top-down parser backtracks to obtain the next production rule of X, (X → ea).
Now the parser matches all the input letters in an ordered manner. The string is accepted.
Predictive Parser
Predictive parser is a recursive descent parser, which has the capability to predict which production is to be used to replace the input string. The predictive parser does not suffer from backtracking.To accomplish its tasks, the predictive parser uses a look-ahead pointer, which points to the next input symbols. To make the parser back-tracking free, the predictive parser puts some constraints on the grammar and accepts only a class of grammar known as LL(k) grammar.
Predictive parsing uses a stack and a parsing table to parse the input and generate a parse tree. Both the stack and the input contains an end symbol $ to denote that the stack is empty and the input is consumed. The parser refers to the parsing table to take any decision on the input and stack element combination.
In recursive descent parsing, the parser may have more than one production to choose from for a single instance of input, whereas in predictive parser, each step has at most one production to choose. There might be instances where there is no production matching the input string, making the parsing procedure to fail.
LL Parser
An LL Parser accepts LL grammar. LL grammar is a subset of context-free grammar but with some restrictions to get the simplified version, in order to achieve easy implementation. LL grammar can be implemented by means of both algorithms namely, recursive-descent or table-driven.LL parser is denoted as LL(k). The first L in LL(k) is parsing the input from left to right, the second L in LL(k) stands for left-most derivation and k itself represents the number of look aheads. Generally k = 1, so LL(k) may also be written as LL(1).
LL Parsing Algorithm
We may stick to deterministic LL(1) for parser explanation, as the size of table grows exponentially with the value of k. Secondly, if a given grammar is not LL(1), then usually, it is not LL(k), for any given k.Given below is an algorithm for LL(1) Parsing:
Input: string ω parsing table M for grammar G Output: If ω is in L(G) then left-most derivation of ω, error otherwise. Initial State : $S on stack (with S being start symbol) ω$ in the input buffer SET ip to point the first symbol of ω$. repeat let X be the top stack symbol and a the symbol pointed by ip. if X∈ Vt or $ if X = a POP X and advance ip. else error() endif else /* X is non-terminal */ if M[X,a] = X → Y1, Y2,... Yk POP X PUSH Yk, Yk-1,... Y1 /* Y1 on top */ Output the production X → Y1, Y2,... Yk else error() endif endif until X = $ /* empty stack */A grammar G is LL(1) if A-> alpha | b are two distinct productions of G:
- for no terminal, both alpha and beta derive strings beginning with a.
- at most one of alpha and beta can derive empty string.
- if beta=> t, then alpha does not derive any string beginning with a terminal in FOLLOW(A).
Bottom-up Parsing
Bottom-up parsing starts from the leaf nodes of a tree and works in upward direction till it reaches the root node. Here, we start from a sentence and then apply production rules in reverse manner in order to reach the start symbol. The image given below depicts the bottom-up parsers available.Shift-Reduce Parsing
Shift-reduce parsing uses two unique steps for bottom-up parsing. These steps are known as shift-step and reduce-step.- Shift step: The shift step refers to the advancement of the input pointer to the next input symbol, which is called the shifted symbol. This symbol is pushed onto the stack. The shifted symbol is treated as a single node of the parse tree.
- Reduce step : When the parser finds a complete grammar rule (RHS) and replaces it to (LHS), it is known as reduce-step. This occurs when the top of the stack contains a handle. To reduce, a POP function is performed on the stack which pops off the handle and replaces it with LHS non-terminal symbol.
LR Parser
The LR parser is a non-recursive, shift-reduce, bottom-up parser. It uses a wide class of context-free grammar which makes it the most efficient syntax analysis technique. LR parsers are also known as LR(k) parsers, where L stands for left-to-right scanning of the input stream; R stands for the construction of right-most derivation in reverse, and k denotes the number of lookahead symbols to make decisions.There are three widely used algorithms available for constructing an LR parser:
- SLR(1) – Simple LR Parser:
- Works on smallest class of grammar
- Few number of states, hence very small table
- Simple and fast construction
- LR(1) – LR Parser:
- Works on complete set of LR(1) Grammar
- Generates large table and large number of states
- Slow construction
- LALR(1) – Look-Ahead LR Parser:
- Works on intermediate size of grammar
- Number of states are same as in SLR(1)
LR Parsing Algorithm
Here we describe a skeleton algorithm of an LR parser:token = next_token() repeat forever s = top of stack if action[s, token] = “shift si” then PUSH token PUSH si token = next_token() else if action[s, tpken] = “reduce A::= β“ then POP 2 * |β| symbols s = top of stack PUSH A PUSH goto[s,A] else if action[s, token] = “accept” then return else error()
LL vs. LR
LL | LR |
Does a leftmost derivation. | Does a rightmost derivation in reverse. |
Starts with the root nonterminal on the stack. | Ends with the root nonterminal on the stack. |
Ends when the stack is empty. | Starts with an empty stack. |
Uses the stack for designating what is still to be expected. | Uses the stack for designating what is already seen. |
Builds the parse tree top-down. | Builds the parse tree bottom-up. |
Continuously pops a nonterminal off the stack, and pushes the corresponding right hand side. | Tries to recognize a right hand side on the stack, pops it, and pushes the corresponding nonterminal. |
Expands the non-terminals. | Reduces the non-terminals. |
Reads the terminals when it pops one off the stack. | Reads the terminals while it pushes them on the stack. |
Pre-order traversal of the parse tree. | Post-order traversal of the parse tree. |
Compiler Design - Run-Time Environment
A program as a source code is merely a collection of text (code, statements etc.) and to make it alive, it requires actions to be performed on the target machine. A program needs memory resources to execute instructions. A program contains names for procedures, identifiers etc., that require mapping with the actual memory location at runtime.By runtime, we mean a program in execution. Runtime environment is a state of the target machine, which may include software libraries, environment variables, etc., to provide services to the processes running in the system.
Runtime support system is a package, mostly generated with the executable program itself and facilitates the process communication between the process and the runtime environment. It takes care of memory allocation and de-allocation while the program is being executed.
Activation Trees
A program is a sequence of instructions combined into a number of procedures. Instructions in a procedure are executed sequentially. A procedure has a start and an end delimiter and everything inside it is called the body of the procedure. The procedure identifier and the sequence of finite instructions inside it make up the body of the procedure.The execution of a procedure is called its activation. An activation record contains all the necessary information required to call a procedure. An activation record may contain the following units (depending upon the source language used).
Temporaries | Stores temporary and intermediate values of an expression. |
Local Data | Stores local data of the called procedure. |
Machine Status | Stores machine status such as Registers, Program Counter etc., before the procedure is called. |
Control Link | Stores the address of activation record of the caller procedure. |
Access Link | Stores the information of data which is outside the local scope. |
Actual Parameters | Stores actual parameters, i.e., parameters which are used to send input to the called procedure. |
Return Value | Stores return values. |
We assume that the program control flows in a sequential manner and when a procedure is called, its control is transferred to the called procedure. When a called procedure is executed, it returns the control back to the caller. This type of control flow makes it easier to represent a series of activations in the form of a tree, known as the activation tree.
To understand this concept, we take a piece of code as an example:
. . . printf(“Enter Your Name: “); scanf(“%s”, username); show_data(username); printf(“Press any key to continue…”); . . . int show_data(char *user) { printf(“Your name is %s”, username); return 0; } . . .Below is the activation tree of the code given.
Now we understand that procedures are executed in depth-first manner, thus stack allocation is the best suitable form of storage for procedure activations.
Storage Allocation
Runtime environment manages runtime memory requirements for the following entities:- Code : It is known as the text part of a program that does not change at runtime. Its memory requirements are known at the compile time.
- Procedures : Their text part is static but they are called in a random manner. That is why, stack storage is used to manage procedure calls and activations.
- Variables : Variables are known at the runtime only, unless they are global or constant. Heap memory allocation scheme is used for managing allocation and de-allocation of memory for variables in runtime.
Static Allocation
In this allocation scheme, the compilation data is bound to a fixed location in the memory and it does not change when the program executes. As the memory requirement and storage locations are known in advance, runtime support package for memory allocation and de-allocation is not required.Stack Allocation
Procedure calls and their activations are managed by means of stack memory allocation. It works in last-in-first-out (LIFO) method and this allocation strategy is very useful for recursive procedure calls.Heap Allocation
Variables local to a procedure are allocated and de-allocated only at runtime. Heap allocation is used to dynamically allocate memory to the variables and claim it back when the variables are no more required.Except statically allocated memory area, both stack and heap memory can grow and shrink dynamically and unexpectedly. Therefore, they cannot be provided with a fixed amount of memory in the system.
As shown in the image above, the text part of the code is allocated a fixed amount of memory. Stack and heap memory are arranged at the extremes of total memory allocated to the program. Both shrink and grow against each other.
Parameter Passing
The communication medium among procedures is known as parameter passing. The values of the variables from a calling procedure are transferred to the called procedure by some mechanism. Before moving ahead, first go through some basic terminologies pertaining to the values in a program.r-value
The value of an expression is called its r-value. The value contained in a single variable also becomes an r-value if it appears on the right-hand side of the assignment operator. r-values can always be assigned to some other variable.l-value
The location of memory (address) where an expression is stored is known as the l-value of that expression. It always appears at the left hand side of an assignment operator.For example:
day = 1; week = day * 7; month = 1; year = month * 12;From this example, we understand that constant values like 1, 7, 12, and variables like day, week, month and year, all have r-values. Only variables have l-values as they also represent the memory location assigned to them.
For example:
7 = x + y;is an l-value error, as the constant 7 does not represent any memory location.
Formal Parameters
Variables that take the information passed by the caller procedure are called formal parameters. These variables are declared in the definition of the called function.Actual Parameters
Variables whose values or addresses are being passed to the called procedure are called actual parameters. These variables are specified in the function call as arguments.Example:
fun_one() { int actual_parameter = 10; call fun_two(int actual_parameter); } fun_two(int formal_parameter) { print formal_parameter; }Formal parameters hold the information of the actual parameter, depending upon the parameter passing technique used. It may be a value or an address.
Pass by Value
In pass by value mechanism, the calling procedure passes the r-value of actual parameters and the compiler puts that into the called procedure’s activation record. Formal parameters then hold the values passed by the calling procedure. If the values held by the formal parameters are changed, it should have no impact on the actual parameters.Pass by Reference
In pass by reference mechanism, the l-value of the actual parameter is copied to the activation record of the called procedure. This way, the called procedure now has the address (memory location) of the actual parameter and the formal parameter refers to the same memory location. Therefore, if the value pointed by the formal parameter is changed, the impact should be seen on the actual parameter as they should also point to the same value.Pass by Copy-restore
This parameter passing mechanism works similar to ‘pass-by-reference’ except that the changes to actual parameters are made when the called procedure ends. Upon function call, the values of actual parameters are copied in the activation record of the called procedure. Formal parameters if manipulated have no real-time effect on actual parameters (as l-values are passed), but when the called procedure ends, the l-values of formal parameters are copied to the l-values of actual parameters.Example:
int y; calling_procedure() { y = 10; copy_restore(y); //l-value of y is passed printf y; //prints 99 } copy_restore(int x) { x = 99; // y still has value 10 (unaffected) y = 0; // y is now 0 }When this function ends, the l-value of formal parameter x is copied to the actual parameter y. Even if the value of y is changed before the procedure ends, the l-value of x is copied to the l-value of y making it behave like call by reference.