C# MCQ Question Answer

1. Which of the following is a recommended practice for improving code readability in C#? 
a) Using single-letter variable names 
b) Avoiding comments in the code 
c) Consistent indentation 
d) Concatenating strings in loops

Answer: c) Consistent indentation

2. What is the recommended method for preventing SQL injection in C# applications? 
a) Building SQL queries with concatenated strings 
b) Using parameterized queries or an ORM 
c) Disabling database access 
d) Encrypting the entire database

Answer: b) Using parameterized queries or an ORM

3. Which C# method is more efficient when concatenating strings in a loop? 
a) Using StringBuilder 
b) Using the + operator 
c) Using String.Concat() 
d) Using string.Format()

Answer: a) Using StringBuilder

4. Which C# feature allows you to filter, sort, and manipulate data in a concise and optimized way? 
a) Loop statements 
b) Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) 
c) Enumerators 
d) LINQ and Enumerable methods

Answer: d) LINQ and Enumerable methods

5. What is the purpose of input validation in C#? 
a) To prevent the application from running 
b) To ensure data integrity and security 
c) To display error messages to users 
d) To bypass security measures

Answer: b) To ensure data integrity and security

6. Which of the following is NOT a recommended practice for improving code readability in C#? 
a) Using meaningful variable names 
b) Adding comments to explain complex logic 
c) Consistent indentation 
d) Using global variables extensively

Answer: d) Using global variables extensively

7. When should you use a regular loop (for, while) instead of LINQ in C#? 
a) Always use LINQ for better performance 
b) When performing simple array operations 
c) When dealing with collections of data 
d) When writing SQL queries

Answer: b) When performing simple array operations

8. What is the benefit of using parameterized queries in C# for database access? 
a) Allows dynamic SQL query building 
b) Provides improved database performance 
c) Prevents SQL injection attacks 
d) Supports direct database access without a connection string

Answer: c) Prevents SQL injection attacks

9. Which C# class should be used to efficiently build large strings that involve concatenation? 
a) String 
b) StringBuilder 
c) StringBuffer 
d) StringConcatenator

Answer: b) StringBuilder

10. What is the primary purpose of using comments in C# code? 
a) To confuse other developers 
b) To prevent others from understanding the code 
c) To explain complex logic and algorithms 
d) To increase compilation time

Answer: c) To explain complex logic and algorithms

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