Pentium – Pro and Pentium-II MCQ Set-2

1. The decoder unit in fetch-decode unit, converts the instructions into
a) executable statements
b) machine language statements
c) MMX instructions
d) micro operations

2. The logical source(s) and logical destination(s) that the micro operation has respectively are
a) 2,2
b) 1,3
c) 3,1
d) 3,2

3. The microoperations that are converted by decoder are directly transferred to
a) decoder register
b) dispatch-execute unit
c) retire unit
d) register alias table

4. The pool of instructions that are fetched is stored in an addressable memory called
a) tristate buffer
b) branch target buffer
c) reorder buffer
d) order buffer

5. The unit that performs scheduling of instructions by determining the data dependencies is
a) fetch-decode unit
b) dispatch-execute unit
c) retire unit
d) none

6. The unit that reads the instruction pool and removes the microoperations which have been executed instruction pool is
a) fetch-decode unit
b) dispatch-execute unit
c) retire unit
d) decoding unit

7. The speed of Pentium-Pro when compared to that of Pentium is
a) equal
b) twice
c) thrice
d) two-third

8. Which of the following is not supported by Pentium-Pro?
a) multiple branch prediction
b) MMX instruction set
c) speculative execution
d) none

9. The feature of Pentium II is
a) high cache
b) operates at 2.8 volts
c) supports intel’s MMX instructions
d) all of the mentioned

10. The results of speculative instruction execution is stored in
a) visible CPU registers
b) permanent memory
c) temporary memory
d) none

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