Quality metric MCQ Set-2

1. Halstead metrics, the length of program is measured as
a) n1+n2
b) N1+N2
c) Nlog2(n)
d) None of these

2. Sub system testing is ________
a) Component testing
b) Integrated testing
c) User testing
d) None of these

3. _______ metric measures the sum of complexity of all methods in a class

4. For _________ type of analysis, the test object are executed or simulated.
a) Static
b) Dynamic
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

5. _________ is a software testing technique where by the internal working of the item being tested are not known by the tester

6. In case of software reliability, periodic restart can help in fixing the problem
a) True
b) False
c) Can’t say
d) None of these  

7. ________ is defined as a planned and systematic approach to evaluate quality and maintain software product standard, processes and procedure?
a) Software quality assurance
b) Quality control
c) Total quality management
d) None of these

8. The interdependencies between modules is measures by_______
a) CBO
b) CWO
c) MHF
d) AHF

9. The term quality control is associated with _______
a) Process
b) Product
c) Project
d) All of these

10. McCabe cyclometic is given by _________

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